Simple and Delicious: A Basic Caprese Salad

Looking for a simple, yet delicious salad to add to your repertoire? Look no further than the classic Caprese salad. This dish is made up of fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil, and it’s perfect for any occasion. Plus, it’s easy to make – let us show you how!

Simple and Delicious: A Basic Caprese Salad

Looking for a simple, yet delicious salad to add to your repertoire? Look no further than the classic Caprese salad. This dish is made up of fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil, and it’s perfect for any occasion. Plus, it’s easy to make – let us show you how!

Basic Caprese Salad

Prep Time:5 minutes
Cook Time:5 minutes
Yield: 8



Kid Tip: Let your kids help cut with kid safe knives and arrange ingredients as age appropriate.
  • Babies For babies under 12 months but on solids, omit the salt.
  • For kids under 4 For kids under 4, make sure the grape tomatoes are quartered as they are a choking hazard whole.


  • Place tomatoes and mozzarella on a platter in an alternating pattern.
  • Top with basil leaves. 
  • Season with salt and black pepper. 
  • Mix together olive oil and balsamic mix and pour over the salad.
  • Serve immediately.